Long Island Reno: Implementing the redesign at Hicks Nurseries

Sixth-generation Long Island IGC Hicks Nurseries underwent a months-long renovation process. In the third piece of this three-part series, we explore the final step: the implementation of the redesign.

Retail Revival: A coat of paint

How to use color to create excitement at your independent garden center.

Fall color blocking

Looking for inspiration to display your fall merchandise? Try color blocking.

Games in the dark

Editor Patrick Alan Coleman shares advice on engaging with your customers' interests and engaging your employees through gamification.

Webinar: Merchandising For Millennials

Your customer is changing, and how you display your plants and products needs to change too. It’s time to re-think the 42 colors of pansies all lined up or the giant wall of chemicals. Take a crash course in ways to get millennials into your store and create displays they’ll want to interact with, and buy from.

Merchandising with purpose

Look through new and noteworthy merchandising ideas from the International Garden Centre Congress.

2023 TPIE Cool Products Awards announced

The Garden Center Group awarded 14 companies awards for 15 products.

Access to abundance

Creating the ideal environment for plants and products gives customers an easy entry to merchandise.

2022 IGCA: New ways to grow

Take a tour of garden and décor trends in the Netherlands to inspire your stock.

3 ways to create an indoor sacred plant space

Customers know about plants’ mental and physical benefits. Show them how they can create their own sacred spaces with these in-store and at-home biophilic design tips.

Adventures during the IGCA

Check out some of the highlights from this year’s IGCA annual Congress.