I’conia Brand (Begonia x hybrida)

This line of begonias feature dark, clean foliage and robust branching.

I’Conia Miss Malibu
How long has it been on the market?

Several series within the I’Conia brand launched in 2015. Multiple new introductions will be announced for the 2019 retail season.

Sun/shade requirements

Part sun to full shade

In cooler climates with milder summers, I’Conia can thrive in full sun conditions when kept well-watered. In harsher climates, I’Conia should receive partial afternoon shade to prevent leaf and petal scorching.

Key features from the breeder

With masses of elegant, vibrant flowers that persist throughout the season, the I’Conia line of begonias from Dümmen Orange is an exciting production choice for the 2018 season. Featuring dark, clean foliage and robust branching, these new begonias present a tight, compact habit and strong retail appeal. I’Conia hybrid garden begonias represent the future of begonia breeding with shade to part-sun tolerance, excellent flower-power and noted consumer performance.


Miss series: Semi-trailing
Unbelievable collection: Mounding
Unstoppable series: Upright

Grows to height/width

Height: 12 to 16 inches
Width: 12 to 16 inches

Consumer care requirements

When watering, keep soil evenly moist, but not saturated. If the top 1 inch of soil is dry, water thoroughly. The long-season bloom time of I’Conia Begonias can be enhanced with regular deadheading.

Display tip

I’Conia provides instant color, elegance and performs best in premium showcase containers located in high-traffic areas. Consumer-facing point-of-purchase retail support is available.

November 2017
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