Golden opportunities

While the annual California Spring Trials is all about the newest plants coming to market, it’s also a great chance to check out some innovative marketing from plant companies all over the world.

While the annual California Spring Trials is all about the newest plants coming to market, it’s also a great chance to check out some innovative marketing from plant companies all over the world. Many of them are great inspiration for merchandising and displaying what your garden center has to offer. From Los Angeles to San Francisco, check out some of the ideas we saw during our trip to sunny California.

1 & 2. Flowering kale made beautiful, long-lasting bouquets and displays at American Takii’s stop in Salinas. While the new Brassica F1 Crane Ruffle might not taste great, it certainly made tasteful décor.

Photos by Kate Spirgen
3 & 4. Dümmen Orange showed off its new houseplant collection, Welcome to the Jungle, with a planter wall, hanging baskets and clean white containers to help visitors envision the foliage and succulents in their own living spaces.

5 & 6. Ptilotus Matilda made a dramatic debut in a wedding setting at Benary. Attendees could see exactly how to use the new cut flower in arches, bouquets and more. You can even see it used as cake décor next to the happy mannequin couple.

7. Syngenta gave us a glimpse of NOLA with their display of brand-new Zydeco zinnias, highlighting how the right plants can make customers feel like they’re on vacation in their own backyards.

8. The breeder also gave Mexican getaway vibes with a Day of the Dead-themed vignette for its new line of Bandolista lantanas.

9. Sakata gave new sales ideas for existing varieties with the Abundance of Fall display. Garden centers can keep plant sales going long after spring is over and sales start to dwindle by displaying autumn-colored options outside of the traditional mums.
10. What better way to get the word out about your IGC than a selfie station? Give your customers the opportunity to snap photos with your plants and share them on social media for easy marketing. This California Dreamin’ display from Danziger even color-coordinates with the plants.
May 2022
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