Being green is nothing new to Flame Engineering, Inc., La Crosse, Kansas. The “Weed Dragon®” a torch kit that comes fully assembled, was developed for the growing number of homeowners concerned with the environment for natural weed control in gardening and other uses on their property. The 100,000 BTU Weed Dragon® quickly hooks up to any refillable propane tank (barbecue cylinders work great) and even comes with a hand-tighten tank fitting (you don't even need a wrench!).
Flaming is a simple process of exposing the weeds to intense heat and vaporizing the water in the leaf cells. Just a split-second exposure to the heat is adequate to kill weeds including the root. Flaming is environmentally friendly since the process kills weeds without the use of herbicides. A concern for the environment has popularized this simple and effective treatment of weed elimination.