Weekend Reading 8/9/24

This week: Helping the migrating monarchs, chaos gardening, keeping customers during inflationary times and a new gardening app.

A logo reads garden center weekend reading. center is in gray font, while the rest is in dark green.

Emily Mills

Welcome to Garden Center magazine's Weekend Reading, a weekly round-up of consumer garden media stories meant to help IGCs focus marketing efforts, spark inspiration and start conversations with consumers.

This week: Helping the migrating monarchs, chaos gardening, keeping customers during inflationary times and a new gardening app.

The 3,000-mile migration of the monarch butterfly is about to begin – here's how you can help this native species, Homes & Gardens

Make sure your customers know how they can help monarch butterflies as their 3,000-mile migration is about to begin.

Chaos Gardening Is About Embracing a Wild, Untamed Look—Here's How to Do It, MarthaStewart.com

MarthaStewart.com offers this explainer on the chaos gardening trend. You can share it with customers or create your own guide with plants native to your area.

How to win over customers in inflationary times. Hint: It’s not just about price, Retail Dive

As it seems like everything's getting more expensive, your customers are having to decide whether they should spend money on discretionary items. Find out what considerations are in play as they make these decisions to help keep them shopping with you.

Glimpse Gardens: The Mobile App for Garden Enthusiasts Worldwide, WATE 6 (Knoxville)

There's another new gardening app. Glimpse Gardens "aims to unite the global gardening community, creating a space where green thumbs from all over can share their love for horticulture."

Enjoy your reading, have a great weekend and we'll see you next week!