Stein Gardens & Gifts opens pop-up locations

Five ‘Just Plants’ stores opened May 3

Stein Gardens & Gifts opened five pop-up plant stores earlier this month, one of a number of new initiatives this year for the longtime Milwaukee garden business, reported.

The 2,500-square-foot Stein Just Plants shops will be open from May 3 through July 4, the busy planting season for garden centers, in the parking lots of two Kohl's department stores, a Pick 'n Save and other locations.

The temporary garden shop concept isn't a new idea. There are many around town every year. But it is a new venture for Stein and one that is likely to expand.

"We view it as a great opportunity to greet our customers in underserved communities," said Mark Birmingham, chief executive officer at the family-owned chain.

Read the full story here.