Free retail locator listing available for real Christmas tree retailers

The interactive national map helps customers find real Christmas trees at seasonal lots, garden centers, choose-and-cut farms, home improvement stores and general retailers.

A graphic reads Real Christmas Tree Board in light green text. Behind the text is a graphic of a dark green Christmas tree.

Logo courtesy of Real Christmas Tree Board

Retailers who sell fresh Christmas trees in the US can list their retail location on the Real Christmas Tree Board’s online retail locator.

There is no charge for the listing, as the project is supported by the Real Christmas Tree Board’s multi-year, multimillion-dollar campaign.

The interactive national map helps customers find real Christmas trees at seasonal lots, garden centers, choose-and-cut farms, home improvement stores and general retailers.

"The locator is a part of a promotional campaign encouraging consumers to experience the joy of a real Christmas tree — and consumers tell us that it’s all about the experience," the board said in a news release. "That experience comes from the entire journey: shopping for the tree, getting it in or on the car, setting it up, decorating it, watering it and even recycling it when the season is over."

To register, which takes less than five minutes, visit, click "Retail Locator" in the top bar click the "Are You A Retailer?" button and fill out your store's information.

Chartered in 2015 as the Christmas Tree Promotion Board and renamed in 2022, the national research and promotion program shares the benefits of fresh Christmas trees with consumers through promotion and public relations, while engaging in research to better serve customers and growers and insights on what to expect from the season to all who sell fresh Christmas trees.

The USDA provides oversight of the RCTB to ensure transparency, accuracy and fairness in its communications. It's supported through annual assessments paid by any business growing or importing 500 or more real Christmas trees.