New pentas series features updated colors and characteristics

The new varieties provide Texas landscapes with pollinator-friendly color all season long.

Pink Pentas.
Pink Pentas.
Nikonite | Adobe Stock

Pentas, including long-time Texas Superstars and new series added to the list, offer season-long color for pollinator-friendly landscapes and gardens, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Research expert.

Brent Pemberton, Ph.D., AgriLife Research ornamental horticulturist, Overton, said pentas are a Texas-tough landscape ornamental annual plant that offers a range of sizes and colors throughout summer.

“We have an established Texas Superstar, but we want to update the promotion because new colors and new characteristics have been added through breeding over the years,” he said. “Pentas have a very broad appeal, and more and more varieties have been added to the market, so we want gardeners to know what is available to them now.”

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