National Garden Bureau releases 2019 varieties information

More than 120 new plants are available to browse on the NGB website, and each plant includes photos, descriptions and other resources.

For more than 30 years, National Garden Bureau (NGB) has been showcasing and promoting their members’ new plant varieties in the inspirational program appropriately named “New Plants.”

You can search through 120+ new plants to find what your customers are seeking. This is your one-stop-shop for the newest of the new! Use this link to view ornamentals and this link to view edibles, both of which are a great tool to help plan your 2019 blogs, articles, videos, radio shows and more.

Photos, descriptions and other resources are available on National Garden Bureau’s website.

NGB has long been promoting its member’s new plants. Over time, this program has generated tremendous consumer and industry publicity. The entire industry— breeders, brokers, seed companies, growers, nurseries and garden centers —are urged to highlight these flowers and plants when planning their 2019 marketing.

Publicity of the 2019 “New Plants” to the garden writer community began in August 2018 during the GWA Annual Symposium in the NGB sponsored “New Plant Showcase.” Publicity direct to the consumer begins in January 2019 via the NGB e-newsletters and social media posts.