Monstera 'Thai Constellation' not commercially available this year

Due to insufficient numbers, Costa Farms is unable to release the popular plant in 2022.

Monstera 'Thai Constellation'
Monstera 'Thai Constellation'
Photo courtesy of Costa Farms

Costa Farms has announced that the popular Monstera ‘Thai Constellation’ is not going to be commercially available this year. The company has posted the following notice on its website and social media:

Here at Costa Farms, we know you’re excited about Monstera ‘Thai Constellation’ — and we are, too. We also know that so many of you are sad about the fact that it’s still not commercially available since we unveiled it at TPIE, an industry trade show, in 2020. The fact that we haven’t been able to release it for you has made our team equally sad.

Ultimately, we can’t release it into the marketplace until we have sufficient numbers. Unfortunately, Thai Constellation has some quirks that are preventing us from producing the tens of thousands of baby plants we need from tissue culture. Now as we start 2022, we can no longer give a release date for Thai Constellation. When we announced it in 2020, our research and development team’s early trials looked promising. But we still need to solve for this issue of scale.

We know many of you will be sad to read this—and we are sad too. We want you to know our growers are still working on solving these challenges and we will provide an update once we can more confidently do so.

In the meantime, we will be offering 200 of our oldest mother plants to some of our retailer partners and donating the sales of these plants to charities that support local communities. Stay tuned—we’ll be providing more details in the next few days about which stores these 200 Thai Constellation plants will be available in.

For updates and more information, please see Costa Farms' website: