High school gets 'Green For Life' facelift

Landscape Ontario School Greening Project brings new life to school grounds.

The Landscape Ontario Waterloo Chapter is helping a local high school go big and go green with The School Greening Project, a program aimed at educating students on the importance of green spaces and the positive environmental impact a few changes can make.

The Waterloo Chapter School Greening Project is designed to create an outdoor space that is conducive to learning and reflection – an outdoor classroom and ‘quiet’ seating areas. The design concept and the presentation to Waterloo Chapter was solely an initiative of the students of the St. James Catholic High School ‘Green Team’. The School Greening Project is an annual activity, but this year is especially unique because of the winning school's student involvement. The projects of winning schools in previous years were mainly led by teachers and other faculty.

The Waterloo Chapter School Greening Project features incorporate the ‘Green For Life’ philosophy that is fundamental to the members of Landscape Ontario:

  • Increased biodiversity through the use of native plantings where possible
  • A rain water harvesting system that makes the site self-sustaining for water use
  • Permeable paving and gravel paths to enhance infiltration of water into the water table and to reduce run-off.
  • Use of recycled materials (e.g. aggregate)
  • Access to key parts of the site for those with mobility challenges.

Over 40 companies have contributed to date for a project valued in excess of $60,000.  The school community will complete the plantings and site furnishings, and is committing to a long term maintenance program in consultation with chapter member.