Garden Center magazine announces transition to digital platform

The March issue marks the final print edition, and all future events, including the Garden Center Conference, will be held online.

A logo reads garden center. Garden is in green text and center is in gray text.


[Cleveland, OH] — Garden Center magazine, the premier independent media outlet for the industry, is proud to announce its transition from print and face-to-face events to a digital platform. Effective immediately, the March issue marks the final print edition, and all future events will be conducted online. This strategic shift underscores the magazine's commitment to embracing the digital future and ensuring broader accessibility to its content and events.

The decision to transition from print and face-to-face events to digital platforms is a natural progression for Garden Center magazine. For years, the publication has advocated for independent garden centers (IGCs) to embrace digital platforms, including digital marketing, website improvement, social media utilization and online events.

"We've been at the forefront of encouraging IGCs to embrace the digital landscape," said Garden Center magazine Editor Patrick Alan Coleman. "Now, we're following our own advice. This transition is a reflection of our commitment to serving our audience in the most accessible and dynamic way possible."

While acknowledging the emotional aspect of this transition, Garden Center magazine recognizes the significance of change and its impact on the industry. The final print issue features stories that explore various facets of change, from community closures to succession planning in family-owned businesses.

"We understand that change can evoke a range of emotions, but it's a natural part of growth," Coleman said. "Our commitment to delivering high-quality content remains steadfast, albeit in a more dynamic and accessible digital format."

Moving forward, Garden Center magazine pledges to continue delivering engaging content, including the Top 100 Independent Garden Centers list and State of the Industry Report. Additionally, the magazine promises to provide a more interactive and visually engaging experience for readers, with enhanced accessibility and shareability.

In line with this digital transition, all future events, including the Garden Center Conference, will be held online. This move ensures broader participation and accessibility to industry-leading educational content.

"I am incredibly proud of our journey in the print and face-to-face event realms, but I'm even more excited about what lies ahead in the digital landscape," Coleman said. "This isn't a goodbye — it's a 'See you tomorrow…' as we continue the conversation and connection in the digital realm."

For more information about Garden Center magazine and updates on the digital transition, visit