Garden Answers app and Dr. Allan Armitage’s Great Garden Plants app team up

The goal is to help homeowners, gardeners and industry professionals have better plant information at their fingertips.

Photo courtesy of Garden Answers and Dr. Allan Armitage’s Great Garden Plants

Photo courtesy of Garden Answers and Dr. Allan Armitage’s Great Garden Plants

The Garden Answers app and Dr. Allan Armitage’s Great Garden Plants app have recently joined forces. The hope is that by collaborating, the apps will better assist the homeowner, new gardener, inexperienced garden center employee or novice landscaper on the job by providing the ability to instantly identify a plant from a picture via Garden Answers and also offering detailed plant information through a combination of written word, photos and videos.

“I love sharing plant knowledge with gardeners, rookies or veterans,” Dr. Armitage says. “The industry understands that we must make our expertise much more easily available and simple to understand. The more information consumers have, the more they appreciate the products we grow.”

Both Garden Answers and Armitage’s Great Garden Plants have created links on each app to direct traffic between the two apps and to increase the level of information that the end user has access to.

For example, if a user is on Armitage’s Great Garden Plants app and wants to identify a plant, they can take a photo of it and follow a link that takes them to the free Garden Answers app, where they can upload the picture for identification.

If a user is on the Garden Answers app and wants or needs more detailed information about a plant the app has identified for them, they can watch a video about the plant and/or click a link that will take them to the Armitage App. They can then refer to Dr. Armitage’s content on his app as well as download customized plant specifics and success tips for growing the plant in their own garden.

Because identifying plants takes a large amount of time during the workday for independent garden center professionals, another goal of the apps is to help professionals more quickly and accurately identify plants and provide suggestions on companion plants or pruning techniques and tools to help boost sales.

Both apps are available on iOS App Store and Google Play.

For more information on these apps, please visit or The cost for Armitage’s Great Garden Plants is $4.99 and Garden Answers is free.

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