Dümmen Orange introduces new IPM protocol

The GreenGuard integrated pest management protocol utilizes minimal chemical controls.

De Lier (The Netherlands) - Dümmen Orange and Koppert Biological Systems are launching a unique and effective integrated pest management (IPM) protocol called GreenGuard in order to produce vital cuttings with minimal chemical use. GreenGuard ensures sustainable products for growers, retailers and consumers.

GreenGuard is the new protocol in the industry to meet growers' and retailers' demand. The result is sustainably-grown products by customers, resulting from the Dümmen Orange GreenGuard protocol at its mother stock locations. By minimizing chemical use, Dümmen Orange enables customers to introduce beneficials immediately to their crop. Dümmen customers classified good technical cuttings, no negatives. GreenGuard fits both integrated pest management and customers' plant resilience systems.

In 2015, Dümmen Orange began implementation of integrated pest management in a potted Chrysanthemum greenhouse at its farm in Uganda. Dümmen Orange opted to utilize biological controls in order to achieve more sustainable production. With a goal of producing pot Chrysanthemum using a minimal amount of chemicals, and facing a restriction on the use of biological controls in Uganda, Dümmen Orange set out to demonstrate the safety, effectiveness, and sustainability of a biological control program.

To work towards allowing beneficial insects in Uganda, Dümmen Orange partnered with Koppert Biological Systems while actively involving the Ugandan government. Together with Koppert Biological Systems, Dümmen Orange arranged a trial permit to import beneficial insects. Koppert Biological Systems is a worldwide supplier of beneficial insects known for high quality, reliable products, advice and guidance. As a result of this cooperation, the Ugandan government has approved and admitted various Koppert Biological Systems products, enabling Dümmen Orange to reduce the number of chemical resources for the production of its pot Chrysanthemum cuttings. Now, two years later, GreenGuard has been implemented in all Dümmen Orange’s additional Chrysanthemum greenhouses, where predatory mites and entomopathogenic nematodes are used to control thrips and spider mites.

With an eye for innovation and sustainability, Dümmen Orange is developing a future in which its products are produced as sustainably as possible, reducing the level of chemical pesticides in its cuttings to protect people and the environment. In addition, this program allows Dümmen to fulfill customer requests as the demand increases for sustainable products grown with fewer chemical pesticides. The clear path to meet these production demands is to follow the principles of Integrated Pest Management. More products will follow soon. GreenGuard for pot Chrysanthemum will officially be presented during a joint press conference with Koppert Biological Systems at the IPM in Essen.