Dracaena Limelight


You’ll probably be hearing more about Dracaena deremensis Limelight in the near future. The Florica Farms plant is the foliage selection for Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association’s Florida Plants of the Year for 2007.

Although Limelight is classified as an interior plant, it can be used in warmer climates outdoors to highlight shade gardens.

This tropical plant has bright, glossy, lustrous lime-green leaves that are best maintained in low- to medium-light conditions.

Limelight grows faster than ‘Janet Craig.’ It is also very durable. Plants reach 5 feet wide and 4 feet tall.

For best growth, allow the top of the growing medium to dry out between waterings, but keep the lower medium slightly moist (but not wet). Optimum temperatures are between 60° and 90°.

Consumers should apply liquid plant food monthly.

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For more: Florica Farms,

20754 Camphortree Road , Eustis , FL 32736-9041; (352) 357-7772; fax (352) 357-7050; floricafarms@aol.com.

- Jyme Mariani