CAST 2023: Sakata

Sakata offered options for all seasons at this year’s trials.

GIE Media Horticulture Group

GIE Media Horticulture Group

SuperCal for all seasons

With the new SuperCal Premium Red Maple, the line got a great new autumn color so that it has options for spring summer and fall. Taking the line through the season was a big splash. “We’re excited to bring new colors to the line,” said Alicia Suits, senior marketing manager, vegetables & ornamentals, adding that there hasn’t been a new color in a long time.

Creative combos

Sakata Seed America will maintain a dedicated focus on combinations and mixes, a product that benefits the grower, retailer and consumer, says Alicia Suits, the company’s senior marketing manager, vegetables and ornamentals. This premium program offers multiple recipes for each season. And with that premium line comes a premium retail price, says Brad Smith, retail category manager. There’s some flexibility in the program for growers since container size depends on their retail market and other factors, he says.

Spring combos include Cottage Beauty (gomphrena Ping Pong Purple, Sunpatiens Compact Lilac Improved, Lantana Sundance Pink, coleus Strawberry Drop) and Sundress (angelonia Angelissa White and lantana Sundance White); a summer combo example is Cherry Mist (zinnia Profusion Cherry Bicolor and gyphsophila Gypsy Deep Rose); and a fall combo includes Orange Popper (angelonia Angelissa Purple, petunia Supercal Premium Sunset Orange, lantana Sundance Red and coleus Party Time Lime).