CAST 2023: Benary

A new trailing pansy, monumental begonia and festive combos are in store at Benary.

Highflyer Pansy

Highflyer Pansy got its name from its trailing habit, making it ideal for hanging baskets. The brand-new series is a true Viola x wittrockiana F1 and the longer the crop time, the more it trails.

With a mounding, globe-shaped plant habit, it’s a multi-purpose, not day-length sensitive pansy that grows to 5 inches tall. It’s suitable for premium pots and baskets. It’s available as raw seed with BeGreen Priming, meaning chemical and microplastics-free priming.

Highflyer comes in five colors: Yellow, Yellow Red Wing, Yellow Purple Wing, Light Violet Shades and White, as well as a mix. The series is available to growers now and available to retailers in 2024.

Stonehedge Begonia

The new Stonehedge series of Begonia interspecific F1 makes a statement with its impressive blooms. “They’re like a monument in the garden,” said Jen Calhoun, marketing specialist, North America.

Stonehedge grows to 40-48 inches tall in the landscape and does well in both sun and shade.

Stonehedge is very early flowering — even earlier than BIG or Whoppers. With extraordinary branching, it has eye-catching, bronze leaves with a round plant habit. The series has been trailed across the country including Michigan, South Carolina and California.

Calhoun suggests retailers plant some in the landscape, “so people come in and say, ‘What is that?!’”

Stonehedge comes in Light Pink Bronze Leaf and Rose Bronze Leaf. The series is available to growers now and available to retailers in 2024.


Party in a pot

Benary took the guesswork out of combos and provided their own artistic recipes with its new Mix it Up container program. The Mix it Up diagrams are simple and include three or four plants that are ideal for a 10-, 12- and 14-inch containers (depending on the recipe) or double them for a large container.

Each Mix it Up recipe has been trialed and grown together to ensure grower, retailer and consumer success. There are recipes for early, peak and late season. Benary also flexed its creative muscles with fun and clever names for all of the combos, allowing retailers to create their own eye-catching POP. All of the combos are available to growers and retailers this year. Jen Calhoun, Benary’s marketing specialist North America, says they’re working on many more for ’24.