Bailey welcomes new member to sales team

Cory VonEgidy has been named territory sales representative for the Mid-Atlantic region.

Cory VonEgidy
Cory VonEgidy
Photo courtesy of Bailey

Bailey is thrilled to welcome Cory VonEgidy to the Bailey sales team as the newest territory sales representative. In this position, VonEgidy will partner with customers in southern New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

VonEgidy joins Bailey with a degree in communications from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and is on pace to finish a degree in agriculture business management at North Carolina State University this December. “Cory’s enthusiasm about this opportunity is contagious," said Bailey Sales Manager Jimmy Kuon. "We are looking forward to him getting out and sharing that with our customers."

His education and previous experience in residential and commercial landscape design will serve as a strong foundation to build upon as he begins this new role. “Working alongside the talented and well-tenured team at Bailey provides me with a dynamic network to learn from and all the tools I need to be successful as I grow into this new role," VonEgidy said. "I am thrilled to continue bringing the Mid-Atlantic the best that Bailey Nurseries has to offer."

Cory VonEgidy begins his role effective immediately and may be reached at and 757-710-4745.