America In Bloom awards announced

Participating towns of all sizes were lauded for environmental efforts, urban forestry and more at the Sept. 29 event.

COLUMBUS - Top honors for the 2018 America in Bloom National Awards Program were announced at the annual symposium and awards celebration held in Lexington, Kentucky on Sept. 29.


All participants were evaluated on seven criteria: overall impression, community vitality, environmental efforts, heritage celebration, urban forestry, landscaped areas, and flowers. Additionally, they were judged on their community involvement across municipal, residential, and commercial sectors. America in Bloom is the only national awards program that sends specially trained judges to personally visit participants. In addition, each participant receives a detailed written evaluation that can be used as a guide to future improvements.


The following awards were given: population category winners, outstanding achievement awards, special awards, community champion and YouTube video award.



Population category winners are: 
Town                                     Population Category
Castle Rock, WA                   Under 3,000
Slippery Rock, PA                 3,000 – 10,000
Newtown Square, PA           10,000 – 14,000
Tavares, IL                           14,000 – 25,000
Mansfield, OH                      25,000 – 75,000
St. Charles, IL                      25,000 – 50,000
Lewisburg, WV                    Champions – Tall*
Arroyo Grande, CA              Champions – Grande*
St. Charles, IL                      Champions – Venti*
Lexington, KY                      Champions – Trenta*


*The Champions categories are for towns that have a combination of any three: population category win and/or outstanding achievement awards.


Outstanding Achievement Award winners are: 
Town                                     Award
Holliston, MA                     Celebrating Heritage
Washington, MO              Urban Forestry
Morro Bay, CA                   Landscaped Areas
Combined Locks, WI        Overall Impression
Calabasas, CA                     Environmental Efforts
Logan, OH                           Community Involvement
Bluffton, OH                       Flowers
Brewton, Alabama           Community Vitality



Special Award winners are: 
Town                                                     Award
Washington, MO                              Community Mentoring
West Chicago, IL                               Best Community Celebration
Decatur, IL                                           Best Use of Social Media
Clyde, OH                                            Best Use of Containers in the Landscape
Ottawa, IL                                            Most Impressive New Project or Program
Lewisburg, WV                                  Coolest Downtown
Mansfield, OH                                   Coolest Place for Kids
Calabasas, CA                                     Best Example of Protecting Water Resources
Lexington, KY                                     Best Heritage Tree Program
Coshocton, OH                                  Best Use of Edibles in the Landscape


John R. Holmes III Community Champion Award: Connie Hench, Clyde, OH.


YouTube video award: Decatur, IL


For a full list of results, go to