Wind River Chimes: Wind Chimes - A profit center for your IGC

Wind chimes are a profitable asset for your store. Not only do people buy them for themselves, but also as gifts for others, proving their lasting value as a display in your store. Since the onset of COVID-19, people are spending more time at home, and in their outdoor living spaces. Wind chimes add confirming harmonies to these spaces at a time when everyone needs a moment to relax.

We have found that wind chime lovers enjoy collecting a variety of chimes. People who love wind chimes tend to own more than one chime — they can’t stop at just one! Our wind chimes are sold in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles that can suit any mood, season, or personal taste. Your customers will find that there are plenty of options to choose from to expand their ever-growing wind chime collection.

Because these customers love wind chimes, they will also look to them as a gift idea for holidays and special occasions. Our wind chimes come in a wide range of sizes and price points. They can be as simple as a small hostess gift, or as grand as a golden anniversary gift for someone special.

Wind chimes are especially popular in the spring months, as young and old alike head outdoors to garden, play, and enjoy their green spaces. Our chimes are durable and built to withstand all types of weather, so wherever you live, these chimes will make great additions to your outdoor living space. Tips for merchandising chimes to maximize your profits:

To maximize your wind chime sales, make sure that ...

• The wind chimes are displayed where customers can ring them and hear them. Remember: SOUND sells chimes!

• Make sure that your chime display is well lit, so that customers can see the individual colors, styles, and craftsmanship of each piece.

• If your location permits, display a chime outside your entrance so customers can hear them in action as they walk in.

• Include at least one large wind chime in your display as a focal point. Even if shoppers do not buy it first, it will help sell the smaller chimes around it.

• Choose a display that includes shelves for boxed chimes as well as display chimes (see photo). These fixtures allow customers to choose their favorite windchime from the display and then select the boxed chime from the shelf, ready for checkout. The display makes it easier for you to restock and minimizes unnecessary handling.

Wind River has been handcrafting wind chimes in Virginia since 1986. Our wind chimes are 100% U.S.A.-sourced and U.S.A.-made. We get our raw materials and components from U.S. companies so that, from start to finish, our chimes are entirely made in the U.S.A.

Wind River chimes are engineered for unmatched sound quality. They are assembled with care and individually hand-tuned for superior sound. We look forward to bringing the harmonies of our chimes to your store!

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