Walters Gardens

Veronica MAGIC SHOW® ‘White Wands’ PPAF

If you liked ‘Enchanted Indigo’, ‘White Wands’ is a great companion plant for your lineup. This variety blooms without vernalization, producing white flower wands from early to midsummer. The dark green, glossy linear leaves display better disease resistance than older Veronica.

Veronica MAGIC SHOW® ‘White Wands’ PPAF

Hibiscus SUMMERIFIC® ‘Perfect Storm’ PPAF

This new hardy Hibiscus takes the popular ‘Summer Storm’ and transforms it into a compact, refined habit. At 3 feet tall, ‘Perfect Storm’ is about half the height of ‘Summer Storm’ and the habit stays nice and tight. The plant still boasts dark wine purple foliage and huge 7 to 8 inch white flowers with a red eye with light pink edging.

Hibiscus SUMMERIFIC® ‘Perfect Storm’ PPAF

Salvia nemorosa COLOR SPIRES® ‘Violet Riot’ PPAF

‘Violet Riot’ is part of a collection of perennial Salvia from Proven Winners® known as COLOR SPIRES®. Vivid violet blue flowers with deep purple calyxes are produced from late spring into early summer. Compared to the industry standard ‘May Night’, it has a much denser habit, a more concentrated show of color, and a neater habit in containers, increasing its impulse appeal at retail.

Salvia nemorosa COLOR SPIRES® ‘Violet Riot’ PPAF

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