Nordic novelties

Take a look into Danish style through these container combinations.


Story and photos by Karen E. Varga

Pairing an interesting houseplant with a simple, Scandinavian-style planter at Bo Grønt Skæring.

The Danes are known for their sleek and modern Scandinavian designs, efficiency and innovation. Denmark is home to the inventor of the LEGO bricks you may have played with as a child, Ole Kirk Kristiansen, and other notable people such as writer Hans Christian Andersen. And the appreciation for plants and gardens is obvious no matter where you look, with residents growing plants in even the smallest spaces in front of their homes.

As we toured garden centers during the International Garden Centre Congress in August, we saw many container plantings that were reflective of the Danish culture, style and even innovation. Here is a selection of the containers that caught attendees’ attention.

This kalanchoe at Plantorama Hillerød is sold in a festive, gardening-themed reusable bag that’s sure to attract customers’ attention. It’s easy to carry, less likely to fall over and perfect for taking to a get-together as a hostess gift. Plus, each time the recipient or customer uses the bag in the future, they’ll be thinking about the flowers that came in it and perhaps want to fill it back up with fresh plants.
Plantorama Hillerød offers coffee plants in pots that resemble a coffee cup for added effect.
These boots at HaveOasen were made for planting. While these may not have been for sale, it was an eye-catching way to get customers to look closer at the plants.
Creative Containers

THE SKY IS THE LIMIT when it comes to where you can grow a container plant in Denmark. While typically known more for their simple designs, here are a few of the more imaginative options seen at the garden centers.

Mixing it up

CONGRESS ATTENDEES were intrigued by the creative plant combinations at Bo Grønt Skæring (top right, lower right, right), especially the addition of a small glass jar with an orchid in the planters. Tucked into the planter, the orchid was visible, but the glass jar was less noticeable. This was an easy way to add a sometimes difficult-to-grow plant to a planter and be able to replace it as needed for a freshened-up look.

At Plantorama Hillerød (top left), we saw unique combinations, such as this one, with a range of different plant textures and varieties.

Tante’s Have
Danish Simplicity

A PHOTO COLLAGE OF DANISH containers wouldn’t be complete without showcasing some of the traditional simplicity of Scandinavian design. Here we see colorful flowers and interesting foliage featured in containers with natural colors that allow the plants to take center stage. Find more coverage of the International Garden Centre Congress in Denmark at


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