
Engage customers with colorful, innovative and appealing products

With Hydrofarm growing systems like the Oxyclone Box (left), Jumpstart Seeds (above) and the Upstart Garden Mat (right), your customers can quickly and easily grow an entire vegetable garden.

What customer wouldn’t want to be able to walk into a garden center and walk out of the door with an entire garden in their hands? Hydrofarm’s Upstart Garden Mat™ addresses the edible and urban gardening market with an innovative product that is simple to use, attractive and rewarding. The Upstart Garden Mat easily produces an abundance of delicious edible herbs and vegetables in a compact space.

The 4-foot-by-6-foot mat is imprinted with colorful graphics that indicate where to plant each variety of the 65 non-GMO seed balls provided. The gardener simply rolls out the mat onto prepared soil in the designated area (perfect for a raised bed), secures with the provided stakes and attaches a garden hose to the built-in soaker hose. It’s time to plant!

14 varieties of clay seed balls are included: tomato, kale, salad bowl lettuce, beets, chives, spinach, carrots, jalapeño peppers, bell peppers, radishes, onions, basil, chard and marigolds. Kids, adults and seniors alike will find planting the seed balls in the specified sections easy and fun, and the fun continues as the plants grow and harvesting begins.

For the gardener who wants to delve a bit deeper into the growing experience, the oxyCLONE Pro Series Systems make cloning a variety of cuttings a straightforward and an uncomplicated process. Powered by Active Aqua’s premium, BPA-free water and air pumps, oxyCLONE systems include non-toxic EVA foam inserts, called oxyCERTS.

The oxyCLONE takes about three minutes to set up and uses ordinary tap water; no special nutrients or cloning products needed! Take cuttings from a favorite tomato plant, for example, and insert them into the colorful oxyCERTS.

Place into the clone and in a week or two, the gardener will have a profusion of new plants with healthy roots, ready to transplant into soil or a hydroponics system. Available in 20, 40 and 80 site systems. Get your clone on!

For more information, visit www.hydrofarm.com

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