This 'n' Data


Social media continues to challenge the assumption that you can’t be everywhere at once. These days you’re expected to have a foothold in all realms of cyberspace: Facebook, blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Foursquare, etc., etc.

That’s an achievable goal—if you’ve got an entire marketing staff and someone exclusively devoted to your social media presence. Wait. Who’s snickering out there? Seriously, though—I hear you loud and clear. I’m a pragmatist myself, and I’ve quickly realized that you have to pick a primary social-media platform and focus on it. But—and it’s a big ‘but’ (heh)—you also have to be aware of what’s going on in other channels.

Here at Garden Center, we’ve focused our outreach on Facebook. Why? Because our polls/internal research indicate that’s the platform preferred by you—our garden-retail community. Facebook may or may not be the place your customers are hanging out. The only way to know is to ask through an online poll or similar method.

Facebook isn’t the only game out there, though. So I also maintain a presence on Twitter and LinkedIn. What about all the other platforms? Well, frankly, I’m not there. I have no desire to be a social media guru. I just want to interact with the audience that’s important to me. A sentiment I’m sure you share.

If you’re struggling to keep up with all your social media accounts, it’s probably time to step back, do a little market research and prioritize. Choose the most trafficked venues based on customer feedback and begin to create a real online community.

Oh! One more thing: Take a moment to familiarize yourself with HootSuite. It’s a great resource that allows you to update multiple platforms in a one fell swoop. Work smarter, not harder!

– Sarah Martinez, managing editor
August 2011
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