From rags to riches

Three ways to create attractive, unique displays without breaking the bank

1. Have an old cart sitting around, gathering dust? Why not give it a new purpose and incorporate it into an outdoor display? It won’t cost you a dime, but it might earn you a few!

2. Trees are a wonderful addition to any garden center’s décor. But what can you do with all of those fallen branches? Use them in both indoor and outdoor displays for a unique combination that will be sure to turn heads. You can throw in other rustic objects like the bricks and wooden pallets shown in this indoor display (left), or leave it simple, like this wooden teepee (right).

3. Lastly, don't underestimate the value of vertical appeal. Grab that old ladder, multi-tiered table or old red wagon, and use it to effectively display more plants and products in a smaller space, without cluttering up the space (left). You can even combine and reuse small items like straws (center) to create inexpensive, eye-catching decorations around displays.


November 2012
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