This 'n' Data

The National Federation of Independent Businesses found that most companies are staying the course when it comes to marketing. A survey conducted on what is stunting small business growth found that 52 percent of businesses expect little to no changes in their marketing plans, while 15 percent expect to make significant changes. 167%

Green roofs have proved to be more effective in the summer months and for buildings that don’t have proper insulation, according to research by Brad Rowe, professor of horticulture at Michigan State University. Rowe is conducting research on a green roof installed on the university’s Plant and Soil Sciences building, and he shared some of his findings on the Greening of the Great Lakes radio show. During the winter months, 13 percent of the heat was prevented from leaving the building. And in the summer, the outside heat and energy coming into the building was reduced by 167 percent.

A recent Small Business Opinion Poll commissioned by insurance company EMPLOYERS found that one-third or 38 percent of small business decision makers are using smartphones and tablets to run their companies. The poll also found 41 percent said they are interested in using apps for mobile banking, customer relationship management, risk management and payroll management.

$27.2 million
California’s hybrid rose industry has withered as homeowners across the country have chosen less lavish plants to install. The annual wholesale value of California’s rose crop dropped from a high of $61.05 million in 2003 to $27.2 million in 2010, a 55 percent decrease, Hoy Carman, a nursery industry expert and retired University of California Davis professor, recently told The Sacramento Bee.

June 2012
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