Financial planning with a twist

Are you sitting down? Money isn’t everything

You’ve been there, so you know “hard times” isn’t just a figure of speech, especially in this industry. Just making it through the year is a challenge, much less making it through your twilight years. Guy Hatcher knows many have to really stretch just to make ends meet. In spite of that, he passionately believes making a little extra to leave behind for our kids is not the most important part of our financial planning. That is the central premise of a message he shares with clients as a financial planner.

His unusual notion: The new economic world we live in may be the best thing that’s ever happened to our country.

“America became so wrapped up in having things,” Hatcher said, “we forgot about spending time with the ones we love. The recession forced us to rethink our priorities. Of course we need money to live but it’s too easy to forget what it means to have quality of life.”

Hatcher himself is no stranger to success. A sought-after Certified Financial Planner, he is the founder and president of Advanced Planning, Inc. His areas of expertise include wealth management, estate planning and business coaching. Since 1987, Hatcher has focused on helping his clients enjoy financial freedom, creating and achieving their own personal definition of a “great life.”

For Hatcher, the center of his foundation begins with the relationship he enjoys with his young daughters. “I was telling them a story on the way to school one morning when I realized that I used to listen to the stock report and financial news while they sat quietly in the back seat,” he said. “That’s the gift I’ve been given by the economic downturn and this new world we live in – an authentic, meaningful connection with my children. It was just a simple story, but it meant the world to them.”

The main thrust of this new “quality of life” approach has its beginnings in the notion that the recent recession has forced us to go back to the basics: faith, family and friends. “Millions have realized they were making great money but sacrificing being around the ones they love.” That simple observation led Hatcher to a series of questions:

  • When we achieve what we’re chasing, are we happy?
  • Why do we need a bigger house and more stuff?
  • Could you be less stressed in a smaller home with fewer things and be able to see your kids grow up?
  • What impact would you like to have on the next generation?

“Making great money is awesome! But what are you sacrificing to get it?” he asked “After all, you’re probably not going to leave your legacy to Siri, your virtual assistant.”


Guy Hatcher is a nationally recognized speaker at industry conferences and has trained successful individuals and business owners in hundreds of educational workshops and seminars. Visit his website at

May 2012
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