Keep your cool

How to recognize and prevent heat illness this spring.

While independent garden center retailers welcome the warmer weather that spring and summer bring, the hot temperatures pose a risk for employees who spend much of their time outdoors and in the sun. If staff members don’t take proper precautions, they are susceptible to heat illness, which can be serious.

Humans are born with the natural ability to cool themselves off when heat rises ­— they sweat. As the sweat evaporates, it cools the skin and blood. When the body gets overheated and can’t cool down, that’s when heat illness occurs.

Your risk of heat illness increases with certain environmental factors, such as high temperatures, humidity, radiant heat from the sun or a hot work environment and when there is limited air movement — conditions common in many garden centers.

Keep your employees safe and cool with these tips:

Watch for symptoms

Heat exhaustion can be confused with normal reactions to hot temperatures, but it is most often characterized by heavy sweating, moist, clammy skin, headaches, nausea or dizziness and muscle cramps. The body temperature remains normal until someone has heat stroke, which carries symptoms of hot and dry skin, confusion, fainting and a higher-than-normal body temperature. Identifying these symptoms early and encouraging staff to go to a cool place and relax for a bit can prevent heat illness.

Drink water before work

Especially on hot days, you shouldn’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water because you’re already dehydrated. Encourage employees to hydrate before, during and after their shifts.

Keep clothing light and loose

Staff should wear light-colored clothing that fits loosely and has good moisture wicking properties, like cotton or some of the new dry-tech materials. Suggest that staff wear broad-brimmed hats as well to provide shade and keep their heads cool.

Wear sunscreen

Sunscreen not only prevents sunburn and reduces the risk of skin cancer, but its sun-blocking properties can keep skin cooler as well. Invest in sunscreen for staff to share and encourage people to use it.

Schedule smart

While it’s not always possible to reduce the physical demands of a garden-center job, try to schedule the most strenuous jobs during the coolest times of the day. If that’s not possible, try dividing the work between more people to avoid overexertion.

Give more breaks

Allow staff to take more breaks to sit and hydrate in a cool area. This can be difficult for dedicated employees, so be sure to encourage rest.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Employees won’t be drinking on the job, of course, but the effects of alcohol consumption the night before can increase dehydration the next day. Coffee is another culprit of dehydration. Share this information with staff so they are informed.

Act quickly if there are signs of heat illness

If employees are showing signs of heat illness, it is important to act quickly. Move them out of the sun and to a cooler place. Air conditioning is best, but shade will also help. Spray them with cool water or lay damp sheets across them. Direct a fan on them or fan them with a newspaper or towel. Bring them cool water or a sports drink, but make sure they don’t gulp it too quickly. They should have about a half cup every 15 minutes. Call 911 if their body temperature is more than 102 degrees, they seem confused, have fainted or are having convulsions.

Share these tips

Post these tips on a bulletin board or another area that is frequented by employees in the garden center. People are the best judge of their own physical conditions, so everyone on staff should be able to recognize the signs of heat illness and keep an eye on fellow employees.


A version of this article by Mickey McCord, founder of McCord Golf Services and Safety, which provides safety training for golf course superintendents and turf maintenance crews, was published in the July 2014 issue of Garden Center magazine.

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