It's in the bag

Here are four 4-star lawn-care products

Organic fertilizers
Monrovia markets seven plant-specific fertilizers that are made from 100-percent natural and organic ingredients, including the Monrovia proprietary mycorhhizae blend. The line includes All-Purpose Fertilizer, Vegetable and Tomato Food, Organic Flower and Rose, Tree and Shrub, Fruit Tree & Vine Food, Azalea and Camellia fertilizer, and Starter Fertilizer. Yep, that’s seven.

Complete Potting Mix
Fafard’s Complete Potting Mix is fortified with an extended-release fertilizer to feed plants up to four months. It is ready to use for all indoor plants: house plants, flowering plants & tropical plants. Available sizes include 8 quart (200/pallet), 1 cubic-foot (90/pallet), and 2 cubic-feet (48/pallet). And that’s quite enough math for one product release.

Ocean Forest Potting Soil

Ocean Forest is a powerhouse blend of premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. (Note to self: You might want to tell new gardeners that these are all GOOD things.) Composted forest humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest a light, aerated texture. Another selling point: Ocean Forest is ideal for containers and ready to use right out of the bag.

Black Gold

Black Gold blends are formulated to be the organic gardener’s best friend. Each one offers specific nutrients that build the soil so it can better feed plants a naturally balanced diet. There’s a formula for all your customers’ plants, from food garden to palm tree, so each group receives the exact balance it needs. Indeed, if your diet was this balanced, everyone would be praising you for looking so young and healthy.

April 2012
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