Taste of the tropics

Boost sales of tropical plants with displays that ‘transport’ customers to distant locales

Banish your winter blues and join us on a visual tour of merchandising ideas that will send your tropicals sales soaring.

1. High-style hideaway. An area reminiscent of a private cabana is a perfect place to merchandise lush tropical plants.

2. Bold beauties. Unusual plants cry out for unique containers. Use tropical displays to effectively cross merchandise bold and interesting containers.

3. High flyers. Show the versatility of tropical-like plants by creating displays in unlikely places.

4. Large and lush. Use plants to create a virtual jungle—and really spark your customers’ imaginations. Bigger is better!

5. Fair warning. Many tropical specimens can last for years, if they’re overwintered properly. Give customers advance notice, and then teach them how to preserve their investment.

February 2012
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