From aspirational to attainable

Make green roofs and walls more than a dream for customers

Green roofs and walls have captured the attention of homeowners across the country. It’s a look they would love to emulate that’s hindered by the “fear factor.” Is it hard to care for? Do I have to shore-up the structure I’m planting? Will it survive summer? You can ease gardeners into this exciting new realm by creating small-scale displays demonstrating the DIY-ability of green roofs and walls.

1. Old favorites are new again
It’s worth asking customers: “Do you really want a green wall? Or do you just want to decorate a vertical structure?” Window boxes and racks might fit their needs (and budgets) better than specialized planting modules.

2. Nooks and crannies
Remind gardeners they can green up existing walls by filling nooks and crannies with appropriate plants.

3. Sheds and such
Show customers that sheds can be transformed from an eyesore to a showpiece with plants. If chicken-keeping is big in your area, outfit a coop with a green roof. It’ll get those creative juices flowing.

4. More grounded
The concepts used to create green roofs don’t have to be in a sky-high display. This clever tabletop creation spurs creativity and gives customers a close-up look at suitable plants.

February 2012
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