Five notorious display pitfalls

You have likely spent the lion’s share of your merchandising education learning what to do to spiff the store and spike the profits. How about what you SHOULDN’T DO? Like EVER?

Bess Anderson is director of visual strategy for Columbus, Ohio-based Chute Gerdeman Retail. Founded in 1989, the retail branding and design firm is nationally renowned as one of nation’s premier design firms, largely because of Anderson’s expertise. Here, she offers five things garden product merchandisers need to avoid. Like FOREVER.

1. Don’t assume your customer knows the first thing about gardening. Blend the shopping experience with an educational component that both broadens product knowledge and fosters brand loyalty.

2. Don’t assume products will sell without enhancing the display by adding appropriate props that make sense.

3. On the other hand, don’t overpower the merchandise with visuals and graphics. The merchandise should always be the hero, and visuals and graphics should enhance.

4. Don’t let dust settle on a display. Rather, re-arrange product displays regularly to freshen up the store.

5. Don’t take it too seriously. Have fun, and let it show in your store displays.


For information  about Chute Gerdeman Retail, visit

February 2012
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