Profiles in Power

Mike Kunce, CEO of Pike Nurseries, talks about the business of color, what keeps him on top of his game

Q. Since color is the theme for this issue, let's start off with this question: The color and shape of the Pike logo has stayed virtually the same through the company's ownership transition. Is this a conscious part of your branding strategy?

A. The Pike Nurseries name and logo were and continue to be one of the most valuable assets of the company. Pike Nurseries is one of the most recognizable brands in the Atlanta market and we wanted to continue the 50+ year tradition.

Q. What do you consider to be your most important people skill?

A: I value most my ability to identify the specific talents an individual possesses, then put them in that position which they will first enjoy and then naturally excel at. Followed by finding how to motivate that individual to be successful and proud.

Q. Do you have a motto or inspiration phrase you frequently cite? Something hanging in your office, perhaps?

A. "Hope is not a Strategy for Success;""It is better to ask for forgive-ness than permission;" "Make a decision and execute."

Q. What business book or resource would you recommend to fellow retailers? Why?

A. "Good to Great" by Jim Collins. We built our strategic plan for the next two years around this book. It shows how to identify categories that you can own, helps identify your strengths and weaknesses, and how to build the momentum to that miracle moment when all your work is realized with success.

Q. What's the toughest business decision you ever had to make? How did you execute it?

A. The toughest business decision I ever had to make was buying Pike Nurseries out of bankruptcy after a total collapse. Over 80 other potential buyers turned their back, and I agonized over what they knew that I didn't. They were all wrong, by the way!

Q. What's your favorite part of the workday? Why?

A. The best part of the day/week is 10 a.m. Monday morning, our company staff meeting, where we celebrate our successes, develop plans to address "non-successes" and plan for the next week and month.

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