This 'n' Data

Facts and figures - and other fun stuff - you can turn into a competitive advantage

How’s the weather?
Nowhere, save for the farm, is this question more pertinent to the success of a business than it is in horticulture, a notion confirmed by the annual National Nursery Survey conducted by the Horticultural Research Institute and the Green Industry Research Consortium.

The most recent version of the poll tapped information from nursery operators across the country during 2008-2009. They were quizzed on practically every facet of the business you can fathom, from how much they make to the various factors that keep them from making more.

As might be expected, Ma Nature loomed as one of the best friends – or worst enemies – of green industry players, from the nursery field to the checkout counter. Asked the factors that most impact business, respondents had weather ranked second behind market demand – and ahead of their own managerial expertise.

The moral of the story: If only God can make a tree, as the poet once opined, ultimately He probably also has the best chance of helping you sell it.

Red Carpet Studios’ Expressions decorative flag line features sculpted accents that break out of the rectangle flag look or are fully sculpted on all four sides. This 3-D effect will get a big “A” from your customers (who don’t even have to purchase special glasses to enjoy it).

July 2010
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