No rest for the weary

I’m not a shopper, per se. In fact, I try not to be a shopper, per anything.

Yale Youngblood

I’m not a shopper, per se. In fact, I try not to be a shopper, per anything. Give me a multiple choice test consisting of answers (A) mall, (B) grocery store, and (C) strip center, I will gladly opt for (D) none of the above.

That said, the Yalemobile still tends to drive on roads that lead to retail hubs – if only because I value my marriage more than I value my status as resident curmudgeon of Youngblood Manor. Thirty years after uttering the two magical words, “I do,” I’ve learned four FAR MORE MAGICAL words: “Whatever you say, dear.” (For those keeping score at home, I also know that the sentence that begins with the words “When Mama’s happy ...” leads to a more pleasant ending than the sentence that doesn't. You young bucks would be well-served to turn those light bulbs on, too.)

Speaking of lightbulbs, this month we’re aiming the spotlight on ideas you can use to keep people shopping during the “dog days” of summer. Our cover story on page 12 explores new and tried-and-true methods successful garden center managers exercise during the time when, let's face it, everyone would just as soon rest.

Doin' Time
By now, some of you are in your fourth month in fifth gear. At aforementioned Youngblood Manor, the first flower went into the ground in early March, after which – whodathunkit? – Old Man Winter returned to say goodbye, sending us scurrying back to the garden center to replace the first flower that went into the ground in early March.

Even in less balmy climes, you’ve been going full-bore for longer than you’ve slept. This year, especially, it has been incumbent on all those who preach the gardening gospel to score as many disciples as possible, given the fact that the faithful gathered a year prior just weren’t able to fill the collection plates. So, yes, God bless you, you’ve certainly earned the right finally to take a break in the coming weeks.

A Question, Before You Do, Though...
Is that really what you want to do? OK, a better question: Is that really what you need to do? This year, of all years, is pivotal to the industry. On the one hand, the one used to tally the numbers on the spreadsheet, you certainly want to trump the slump wrought in 2009. On the other, the one used to wave customers to the store, you absolutely need their help to achieve the objective.

So, yes you can rest ...

But I have to wonder: If you do, just how happy will that make Mama? I know for a fact that she’ll shop somewhere else if you’re not careful.


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