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The poll position

Here’s what industry folks have been telling us in recent online polls. Be sure to check
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//Virtually Speaking
Is a blog worth it?

After a recent speaking gig at Great Lakes Trade Expo in Grand Rapids, Mich., a retailer approached me who’s trying to get a handle on the store’s social media efforts. “Where,” he asked, “does blogging fit into all this? Do we need a blog, too?”

I could sense his frustration. So many social-media venues, so little time. He looked a bit crestfallen when I said that, yes, blogging should be part of his marketing efforts. But, I continued, a blog can be an important part of the marketing mix. Here’s what I suggest to make it worthwhile…

Create a schedule. If you’re going to blog, a new post needs to be created at least once a week. That’s the bare minimum. To make things easier, recruit several staff members to write posts. Allow them to offer their expertise, and rely on your marketing person to polish the written missive.

Tell a story. Your blog should be creative. Think of it like this: Twitter is used for quick updates. Facebook is a place to post tidbits and photos that fuel comments and shared links. Your blog is where you can  really tell a story. Draw your readers in! Some possible topics:

  • Write about one of your suppliers you’ve worked with for years. Play-up their local roots, family atmosphere, etc. The overall tone should be like a friend talking about a friend.
  • Describe some of the especially old trees in your neighborhood—include pictures. Tell why these trees have stood the test of time. And, of course, mention you have these trees in stock for purchase.

Push the content to readers. Sorry folks. If you build a blog, they won’t necessarily come. We have become too accustomed to having news tailor-made and delivered directly to us. Publicize what you post in all possible venues. Post a link to it on Facebook and Twitter. Include a synopsis and link in your e-newsletter. And “tease” to it in your paper newsletter.

-- Sarah Martinez


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