Family matters

The top story on our website on Dec. 3, 2010, should be required reading for all independent garden center operators. Actually, reading isn’t enough—it’s time for action.

The top story on our website on Dec. 3, 2010, should be required reading for all independent garden center operators. Actually, reading isn’t enough—it’s time for action.

Monrovia, long a company—and brand—that has represented plant and service quality of the highest order, is short on time, at least in its current incarnation. Well it is, unless the independent retailer members of our extended family step up and help a “brother” in need.

Despondent Correspondents
The story referenced above contains a letter from company officials pleading with customers to increase their orders for 2011 —and outlines a plan to put thousands of as-now unsold plants on the market at reduced prices. Company lenders have given Monrovia a Jan. 31 deadline to make up what it owes by doing business in the traditional manner with independents or risk having to route their stock to the mass merchants to make up the difference.

For the record, there’s another note—of note—in the story. Below Monrovia’s missive is a letter soliciting support from independent garden center operators to help Monrovia survive this monumental challenge. It’s also a plea, a basic “Let’s Work Together to Win This Battle” call to the rank-and-file independent retailers, urging them to act swiftly and generously. It’s signed by a veritable “Who’s Who” list of nationally prominent garden center owners and managers, people we all call friends and colleagues—and leaders of this great industry.

It’s time to follow their lead and buy a few more Monrovia plants than you planned to, even if that means taking on a bigger selling challenge than you were charting at your store in 2011. If there’s anything we’ve learned about this business, it’s this: The folks we’ve grown to know and love in the industry are almost as much family as the folks with whom we share a home.

And family takes care of family. The good one does, anyway.

Speaking of Making a Statement...
This month, I’d like to introduce you to our two newest columnists, Chad E. Harris and Angela Treadwell-Palmer. As we were plotting the 2011 map of the future, the Garden Center staff members decided a fresh perspective would serve this market well. And then we said, “Hey, why not get two fresh perspectives?” Enter the new dynamic duo.

Chad will write a monthly “Success Series” column on ways to help your store reach new heights. Angela will write quarterly of things that get her riled (among many other topics). We’re hoping—and believing—these two new voices will make you think/laugh/nod your head/shake your fist, etc. We’re also thinking—and believing—you’ll be better off for having read their efforts.
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January 2011
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