Burpee Home Gardens answers consumer call for more vegetable information

New educational and social media initiatives keep home gardeners in-the-know

Burpee Home Gardens has launched an education initiative to help home gardeners grow their own vegetables. Some of these new resources include Garden Fresh, a free gardening guide booklet, as well as dedicated online social media to connect with home vegetable gardeners.

“As more home gardeners look to plant vegetables and herbs this spring, their search for advice, discussion and overall gardening information grows as well,” said Jessie Atchison, brand manager for Burpee Home Gardens. “The Burpee Home Gardens team has positioned itself to help its core consumer – new and novice home vegetable gardeners – with the answers they need in the formats they prefer.”

Garden Fresh is a four-color, 32-page booklet from Burpee Home Gardens that contains information on virtually every aspect of how to start, maintain and build a home vegetable garden. It is mailed out free to those who sign up at the Burpee website www.BurpeeHomeGardens.com.

Information is also available online at social media and micro-blog sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. At www.Facebook.com/BurpeeHomeGardens, visitors can ask questions, view photo albums and get updates on vegetable varieties and gardening help. On Twitter, @BurpeeHG “tweets” useful links, directing more followers to resources located at the Burpee website.

Fueling the online social content is the new Burpee Home Gardens Blog, where experts offer vegetable gardening advice and solicit feedback from readers. A specially selected group of novice gardeners have been recruited to post their gardening adventures through www.BurpeeHomeGardens.com/blog, where readers can follow their progress and learn from their journey from planting to harvest.

For further information about Garden Fresh and other Burpee Home Gardens informational tools, visit the following links: