Ball Seed

Whopper Landscape Begonia

Whopper begonia produces extra-large flowers up to 3 inches (7 centimeters) across from Spring through Fall. A must for creating 50 MPH drive-by color! Big, vigorous plants have excellent heat tolerance. Whopper Begonia can also be grown in both the full sun and the full shade - truly a tough as nails type plant! Good in 4 inch (10 centimeter) pots to sell green to landscapers or larger containers to sell in bloom, Whopper is as versatile as a plant gets. Whopper is THE Landscape Begonia.

Whopper Landscape Begonia

Jurassic Rex Begonia

Jurassic Rex Begonias offer a new take on a classic plant! Jurassics have been selected with excellent vigor, which help the varieties to fill out a 6-inch container. This vigor also helps the Jurassics to finish faster than most other rex begonias currently on the market. Finally, the Jurassic varieties were selected to finish uniformly. The Jurassic Rex Begonias all have bold patterns and make a perfect addition to any indoor program or shade container program! Jurassic is THE Deep Shade Rex Begonia.

Jurassic Rex Begonia

Sweet Kiss Strawberry

Sweet Kiss Strawberry is a tasty, ever-bearing strawberry that tops the charts in flavor! Its bright red fruit is long-lasting from June until frost. If home gardeners space these plants 10 inches apart, they can expect harvest to begin in about 75 days. Sweet Kiss is the strawberry winning “blind” taste tests!

Sweet Kiss Strawberry

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March 2016
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