Autumn outing

We visited a local mum festival in Northeast Ohio — check out some of the attractions that caught our eye.

All photos by Julianne Mobilian

We kicked off the fall season by visiting the Barberton Mum Festival in Northeast Ohio, where there were colorful displays as far as the eye could see. Mum Fest 2022, which took place Sept. 24-25 at Lake Anna Park, is an annual tradition of the city, and excited festival-goers attended in droves. With a packed schedule of free entertainment, family-friendly activities and a lineup of vendors, this year’s annual festival turned heads with its bursting hardy blooms. Check out some of the attractions from this year’s event that caught our eye, and for more information, visit Mobilian

1. This year’s theme was “Red, White & Bloom.” The mums created an aerial view of an American flag while incorporating bold formations of the stars and stripes.

2. & 3. Crowds gathered to take photos in front of the multi-colored Bonnie Joyce Myers Memorial Mum Arch and other Americana-themed mum displays.

4. & 5. Vendors lined the sidewalks with homemade wares for customers ready to decorate and usher in the autumn season.

6. & 7. The Chippewa Lake Water Ski Show Team dazzled the audience with its daring stunts and pyramid formations at Lake Anna Park.

9. to 10. Fonti Coral, Flamingo Pink and Chelsey Yellow were popular colors amongst the mum shoppers at the festival.

11. to 13. Cash registers were ringing all weekend long as customers loaded up their wagons with potted mums.

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